Take me to place behind your eyes
There you might open up my heart
That has been closed for all those years
There I can leave it behind
Take me to a place within your heart
Where I know we both will be safe
From the demons in life
There it will all work out
Take me to place where your arms are around
For the comfort if needed
For a big hug to disappear
To let me know you are still there
Take me to the place where the sun is shining
Summer will be on our side
Right there at the beach
With nothing to worry about
Take me to the place where the stars are all around
One is falling down for us to make a wish
One is shining brightly to let us know we’re not alone
All the others keep us company when the night falls
Take me to the place where people never sleep
Whom just keep on living there lifes
Whom will always keep on partying
And never be other than happy
Take me to the aisle of paradise.
Laat wat van je horen