In hell yet

They say that when you die
you can go to heaven or to hell
but who says
we aren’t in hell yet?

people rape each other
people kill each other
people hurt each other
people hate each other

wars are there
for a little peace of land
wars are there
for a little bit of honour

people rape each other
people kill each other
people hurt each other
people hate each other

fires are lit
by ev’ ry body
they burn, they eat
both flesh and meat

people rape each other
people kill each other
people hurt each other
people hate each other

and in the end
we’ll all be gone
when we have fought our battle
and both have lost.

Zeer slechtSlechtRuim onvoldoendeOnvoldoendeTwijfelachtigVoldoendeRuim voldoendeGoedZeer goedUitstekend (Nog geen stemmen)

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