All we need to do

Forgiven past heals the mind,
all the pain and sorrow
that we left behind.
Just be yourself,
treasure our love
It’s all we need to do…
It’s from up above.

Live this life and walk beside me
Let me live, so that I may see
My love will grow as the water flows
The earth keeps moving
You are the path I chose

Find a place in my heart
That holds the truth
Living life from forgiven past
Our love is true
and will forever last

Free like a bird flying trough the sky
Only one thing I know for sure…

You are still the apple of my eye.

Zeer slechtSlechtRuim onvoldoendeOnvoldoendeTwijfelachtigVoldoendeRuim voldoendeGoedZeer goedUitstekend Beoordeling: 8,00 Stemmen: 3

Laat wat van je horen


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