A twinsoul not ready

Never to be parted
always a beginning
As time turns,and weaves us
Ones more, together..
In one final thread.

I want to tear down the paper
that wrote our story,that sings
our song.
To forget you,
to pretend we have never met.

Again she said goodbye to you,
as you stood like a candle
against this beautiful night.
Your handsome face, so calm and
knowing she would always return.

And you call her in the evenings
with magic you don’t understand.
‘Cause we are one
but one really frightens me.

So I am begging you
if you truly care
Cut the thread that’s bonding us
Your heart, my heart
it is not the time for us to be

Zeer slechtSlechtRuim onvoldoendeOnvoldoendeTwijfelachtigVoldoendeRuim voldoendeGoedZeer goedUitstekend (Nog geen stemmen)

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